Premium British Education Consultancy

- The most reliable team of educational consultants  
We achieved 100% success rate in helping our students to gain their first choice schools and universities. As a result, we have recruited all our students and all our customers have approached us through positive word of mouth in the form of recommendations and referrals from our existing students and parents. Once a university or school is  chosen, we  continue to support our students’ entire UK study life.
  • We provide impartial educational advice to parents and students so 
  • that they can find the most appropriate school which can match their 
  • potential and aspiration.
Our team of advisors has more than 10 years of experience working at famous British boarding schools, either as senior subject teachers or former headmasters. We are committed to improving the experience of international students in British education through integrity, professionalism, care, and continuous innovation.

Why Curiosity Consultancy?

Trusted & Experienced
Receive trusted British educational and impartial advice from highly experienced professionals
Increase Success Rate
We have achieved 100% success rate in helping our students to gain their first choice schools and universities
Teach students key thinking skills during the school application process through our mentorship
Premium British Education Consultancy

Premier School 

Premier University

Premier Foundation

Bespoke Study
Plan Advice

Premier School
Visit Service

Appointment With

Application Process


Step 1


Step 6


Step 2

 Bespoke Advice

Step 3

Exam Preparation

Step 4


Step 5

Online Service